3d Visualization - Lights quesiton
Under Preferences > 3d Visualization > Lights there are four lights that can be turned on/off. I'm wondering where (windows path? file?) the ambient/diffuse/specular color data and the x/y/z...
View ArticleRe: 3d Visualization - Lights quesiton
your trying to alter the lights in the 3D view in Repitier, I've not done it so dont know if you can save the positions, but if you can then search for 3 point lighting and you will find many examples...
View ArticleRe: 3d Visualization - Lights quesiton
Since Repetier allows individually positioning each light with an x,y,z value, and giving a custom color it has to be saving that data somewhere, I just haven't found where. Thanks for the info.
View ArticleRe: 3d Visualization - Lights quesiton
It's stored in registry HKCU/Software/repetier/3D
View ArticleRe: 3d Visualization - Lights quesiton
Ah the registry, I did not think to look there! Got it, thank you.
View Article3d Visualization - Lights quesiton
Under Preferences > 3d Visualization > Lights there are four lights that can be turned on/off. I'm wondering where (windows path? file?) the ambient/diffuse/specular color data and the x/y/z...
View ArticleRe: 3d Visualization - Lights quesiton
your trying to alter the lights in the 3D view in Repitier, I've not done it so dont know if you can save the positions, but if you can then search for 3 point lighting and you will find many examples...
View ArticleRe: 3d Visualization - Lights quesiton
Since Repetier allows individually positioning each light with an x,y,z value, and giving a custom color it has to be saving that data somewhere, I just haven't found where. Thanks for the info.
View ArticleRe: 3d Visualization - Lights quesiton
It's stored in registry HKCU/Software/repetier/3D
View ArticleRe: 3d Visualization - Lights quesiton
Ah the registry, I did not think to look there! Got it, thank you.
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